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Linea Mono 16k, 48kHz, CL
합리적인 가격으로 고속/ 고감도/ 다기능을 한번에 제공하는 카메라

Powerful enough to use anywhere.
Affordable enough to use everywhere.

Introducing Linea, a CMOS line scan camera that can help you improve your imaging and lower your costs. Linea starts with an advanced CMOS sensor with high quantum efficiency and low noise for better images. Linea is also packed with advanced features to make your machine vision job almost effortless.

Latest generation CMOS technology.

Linea uses Teledyne DALSA's own advanced CMOS line scan sensors with high QE and low noise for better image quality. Available in resolutions from 2k to 16k, and now with color options.

주요 사양

Family Linea 
Partnumber LA-CM-16K05A 
Number of Pixels 16384 pixel
Number of Lines
Line Rate 48 kHz
Pixel Size 3.52 μm
Interface Camera Link_Full 
Chroma Mono 
Responsivity 5 DN/nJ/cm2(8bit@최소게인)
Dynamic Range 60 dB
Sensor size(Image Circle) 57.67 mm
Sensor type CMOS 
Mount M72 x 0.75 
Size 76 x 76 x 36.7 mm
Maker Teledyne Dalsa 


구분 파일명 다운로드
카달로그 [2025년] 앤비젼 전제품 카달로그 다운로드
데이터시트 Linea Mono 16k 48 kHz CL Datasheet 다운로드
매뉴얼 Linea Monochrome CL Manual 다운로드
매뉴얼 Piranha4 / Linea Heat Sink Installation Guide 다운로드
3D 도면 Linea Mono 16k 48kHz Camera 3D model (STEP) 다운로드

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