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Inspec.x L 4.0/105 3.0x BS
최대개방시에도 높은 해상력을 제공하는 고성능 Large format 렌즈
The inspec.x L Series was developed to meet the hig-hest requirements in industrial image processing with very large sensors. This Lens Series shows even contrast and resolution over an image circle of up to 82 mm. The field-proven performance makes these lenses a perfect match for sensors like the popular 12k/5µm and 16k/5µm line-scan sensors.

Very large area-scan sensors also benefit from the high resoluti-on, low distortion and excellent color correction of these lenses.

Key features

- Outstanding MTF performance

- Diffraction limited optical design

- Perfect match with 5 µm pixel size

- Full-metal barrel

- Lockable aperture

- Focal length: 105 mm

- Aperture: 3.5 … 22

- Spectral range: 400-750 nm

- Camera mount: V-groove


Large format 렌즈의 배율, F/# 입력을 통해

유용한 정보를 얻을 수 있습니다.


1) Back Focal Length

2) Working Distance

3) Total Track

4) DOF

주요 사양

Family Inspec x. L Prism 
Partnumber 0703-105-000-20 
Magnification range 2.8 ~ 3.2 x
Magnification 3.0 x
Image circle 82 mm
Focal length 105 mm
Wavelength Visible 
Type Fixed focal length 
Mount V46 
Maker Qioptiq 


구분 파일명 다운로드
카달로그 [2025년] 앤비젼 전제품 카달로그 다운로드
데이터시트 Inspec.x L 4.0/105 3x prism Datasheet 다운로드
3D 도면 Inspec.x L 4.0/105 3x prism Lens 3D model (STEP) 다운로드

관련 제품