Calibir DXM 640 (lens 1.2/8.52)
Uncooled IR Camera

Greater functionality. Same small size

The Calibir uncooled Long Wave Infrared camera platform offers outstanding shutterless imaging performance and is optimized for Size, Weight and Power (SWAP). The Calibir DXM640 series features both shutter and shutterless operation and rapid image output on power up while delivering uniform response over the entire operating temperature range, making it ideal for thermal imaging applications requiring uninterrupted image acquisition. ULIS’s gen2 sensor offers an improved NETD and the updated calibration include customized gain correction on a per lens basis to offer even better image performances and response uniformity.

Packed with powerful features

- 640x480 VGA resolution

- 17 μm square pixels

- 29mm x 37mm x 59.53mm

- Gigabit Ethernet (GigE)

- General purpose opto-coupled input/output

- (external trigger,user, count, or timer driven triggering)

- Flexible general purpose Counter and Timer functions

- for internal/external controls

- Defective Pixel replacement

- Adaptive Image Enhancement

- IEEE1588-2008 Precision Time Protocol

- synchronization capable

- Built-in Pseudo-color for enhanced visualization


Type LWIR 
Family Calibir DX 
Partnumber IR-DMVG-4102000 
Resolution 0.3 Megapixel  
Resolution(H*V) 640 x 480 
Sensor size (Image Circle) 13.6 mm
Frame/Line Rate 30 Hz 
Pixel Size 17 μm
Interface GigE 
Spectral Response 8 ~ 14μm 
NETD <50  mK
Sensor type a-Si microbolometer 
Operating Temp -20 ~ 50 °C
Temp. Accuracy Non-radiometric 
Mount M25 
Lens Focal Length 8.52 
Lens F/# 1.2 
HFOV 73.2 ⁰ 
Size 29 x 37 x 59 mm
Mass 66.7 
Full Well
Dynamic Range
Quantum Efficiency
Maker Teledyne Dalsa 


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